Below is an abbreviated, digital-friendly version of my CV. For those interested in the full-length, pdf version, you can download that right here.


University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012
Ph.D., History


Associate Professor, Utah Valley University, 2019–present


“A Colonizing Peace: The Struggle for Order in Early America” (in progress)


Edited Book
The Specter of Peace: Rethinking Violence and Power in the Colonial Atlantic, eds. Michael Goode and John Smolenski (Brill, 2018) 

The Revolutionary Potential of Peace History” (with John Smolenski), American Historical Review (forthcoming)

The Future of Peace History,” in Christian Peterson, Chuck Howlett, Deborah Buffton, and David Hostetter, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Peace History (Oxford University Press, 2022), 847-65

“Rancontyn Marenit”: Lenape Peacemaking Before William Penn,” in The Worlds of William Penn, eds. Andrew Murphy and John Smolenski (Rutgers University Press, 2019), 217-31

“Introduction: The Relevance of Peace in Early American History,” in The Specter of Peace: Rethinking Violence and Power in the Colonial Atlantic, eds. Michael Goode and John Smolenski (Brill, 2018), 1-29

Dangerous Spirits: Alcohol, Native Revivalism, and Quaker ReformEarly American Studies 14 (Spring 2016): 258–83

Marcus Rediker, The Fearless Benjamin Lay: The Quaker Dwarf Who Became the First Revolutionary Abolitionist in Peace & Change (forthcoming)

Richard Godbeer, World of Trouble: A Philadelphia Quaker Family's Journey Through the American Revolution in Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 90 (March 2021): 210-12

Ben Marsh and Mike Rapport, eds., Understanding and Teaching The Age of Revolutions in History: The Journal of the Historical Association 105 (July 2020): 546-8

Brycchan Carey, From Peace to Freedom: Quaker Rhetoric and the Birth of American Antislavery, 1657–1761 in Pennsylvania History 82 (Spring 2015): 199–202


Symposium on Religious Pluralism and Democracy, Utah Valley University, March 2018, Dr. Evan Haefeli, Texas A&M University, keynote speaker 

The Specter of Peace in Histories of Violence, Tanner Humanities Center, University of Utah, August 2015 Dr. Wayne Lee, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, keynote speaker

“The Two Faces of Penn: Peace as a Weapon of Treaty Making in American History,” Religion and Politics in Early America, The Society of Early Americanists, St. Louis, Mo., March 2018

Rethinking Slavery on the Pennsylvania Frontier,” Region and Nation in American Histories of Race and Slavery, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Mount Vernon, October 2016

“The Eyes of Many Are On Us: The Struggle for Gospel Order in Quaker Pennsylvania,” WMQ- Early Modern Studies Institute Workshop, Early American Legal Histories, Huntington Library, May 2015

“James Logan’s Empire of Goods: Violence, Colonialism, and Pennsylvania’s Eighteenth-Century Consumer Revolution,” James Logan and the Networks of Atlantic Culture and Politics, 1699–1751, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, August 2014

“Dangerous Spirits: Alcohol, Native Revivalism, and Quaker Reform,” The War Called Pontiac’s, 1763–2013, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, April 2013


Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 2015

Scholar-in-Residence, Newberry Library, Chicago, 2012–2013

Dissertation Fellow, McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 2010–2011

The Library Company and Historical Society of Pennsylvania Residential Fellowship, 2009


Contributing Scholar, “Wrestling with Justice: Quakers and Northern Slavery at Stenton,” Stenton Museum, Philadelphia, 2025

Advisor, Ghost River: The Fall and Rise of the Conestoga Exhibition, Library Company of Philadelphia, 2020

Advisor, Digital Paxton Project and Library Company exhibition on Paxton Boys, 2019

University Lecture, “Equiano and the Struggle for Liberty in the Early Modern Atlantic World,” Utah Valley University, April 2017

University Lecture, “The Two Jeffersons: Slavery in the Era of the American Revolution,” Utah Valley University, February 2016

Critical Film Screening, Pocahontas: Myth and History, Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, November 2012

Colloquium Lecture, “Intimate Violence in Early Pennsylvania,” Newberry Library, Chicago, August 2012

Invited Lecture, “The Struggle for Power and Authority in Seventeenth-Century Philadelphia,” Elfreth's Alley Museum, Philadelphia, April 2011

Co-Curator, Daley Library Exhibit, Mascots and Native American Iconography in Athletics, UIC Daley Library

Co-Curator, Online Exhibit, Images of Progress: Views from A Century of Progress International Exposition, 1933–1934, Special Collections, UIC Daley Library